In Case You Missed It: Top UMKC News Stories from Summer 2022

From academic realignment to new student-focused partnerships and more, it's been a busy summer on our campuses
Chancellor Mauli Agrawal, 堪萨斯城市长Quinton Lucas和UM系统总裁Mun Choi在Henry Bloch诞辰一百周年庆典上享受了庆祝活动

Welcome to a new school year at UMKC! Campus may have seemed quiet the past three months, but major changes are in store. 让我们来看看校园里的新事物,以及一些你可能错过的大新闻:

New Homes and New Offices


Supplemental Instruction and UMKC Tutoring will now be located on the fourth floor of Miller Nichols Library, relocating from the Atterbury Student Success Center. 

RooLearning+, an easy-to-use app already used for Supplemental Instruction scheduling, 也将是安排辅导和写作工作室预约和登录旁听的最佳方式.  Access RooLearning+ by visiting the webpage at  或者从苹果或谷歌应用商店下载应用程序,并使用您的SSO登录.

今年秋天,学生成功中心将开设两个新办公室:新中心的总部 Professional Career Escalators program and an on-campus office for KC Scholars.  Career Services will also have expanded space in the ASSC.

Music To Your Ears

格兰特音乐厅的独奏厅经过重新装修,成为高品质的音乐表演场所, including new acoustic treatments and new sound equipment. 这是一项耗资400万美元的项目的一部分,该项目旨在翻新白厅和格兰特大厅内的空间, 包括学院学生和教师最需要的艺术实践和教学领域. The project is focused on hearing safety, updated technology, increased usable space and ADA compliance.

UMKC Forward Launches Academic Realignment

The UMKC Forward academic realignment, designed to optimize resources and better serve UMKC students and community, began July 1. 在招聘和项目开发方面取得的重大进展为合作研究和学生的成功奠定了基础. 

In 2020, during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Chancellor Mauli Agrawal announced the formation of UMKC Forward, a collaboration of faculty, 整个大学的教职员工和学生将为大学的未来发展一个新的愿景. 这一愿景的一部分是重新调整UMKC的学术单位,以优化大学的优势和学生职业成就的机会. 

The realignment created three new schools: the School of Education, Social Work and Psychological Sciences; the School of Humanities and Social Sciences; and the School of Science and Engineering.

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$100 Million Project Planned for Health Sciences District

我们准备在UMKC健康科学区开始一个新的跨专业健康科学大楼的工作, housing new, 最先进的牙科教学诊所和扩大的医学院教学设施.

The multi-story, 耗资1亿美元的项目还将作为该大学数据科学与分析创新中心和生物医学工程项目的所在地. This project will take the Health Sciences District to the next level, 加快社区获得医疗保健的机会和公平,并激发发展,使校园成为一个区域性的吸引力, igniting entrepreneurship and economic growth for the city and region.

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University Partners with Boys & Girls Clubs

UMKC and the Boys & 大堪萨斯城女孩俱乐部在6月宣布了一项新的合作伙伴关系,将为数千名堪萨斯城学生提供奖学金机会. The agreement creates the new UMKC Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Kansas City Scholarship, which grants $1,000 in aid to students who are graduating from a Boys & Girls club program.

In addition to scholarship funds, 该合作伙伴关系还将在新生入学前的春季或夏季向学生介绍校园和大学生活. Once on campus, UMKC将为学生提供项目,帮助他们与同伴导师建立联系,这些导师将在他们的大学生活中帮助他们导航和支持他们.

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KC Celebrates Bloch Heritage Hall Reopening

The Henry W. Bloch School of Management welcomed alumni, 学生和社区成员到新改建的布洛赫遗产大厅7月30日,以庆祝重新开放的建筑和100th anniversary of the birth of the school’s namesake.

“Henry Bloch, and the community leaders who came before him, created a heritage of investment in higher education and a dedication to innovation,” Chancellor Mauli Agrawal said. “Just as they joined together to support the university more than 90 years ago, UMKC再次见证了捐助者的慷慨,他们重视在离家近的地方保持良好教育机会的重要性.”

The remodeling creates a vibrant student services hub, where students can easily connect to advisors, tutors, career resources and clubs. 教室现在配备了最先进的技术和房间设计,为最佳的虚拟课堂出勤率提供了灵活性. These upgrades will better serve students with work and childcare obligations, as well as travel schedules.

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New Faces Among Leadership


J. Camille Hall, Ph.D.LCSW被任命为UMKC负责多元化和包容性的新副校长. She comes to UMKC from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 她曾担任社会工作学院的终身教授和公平与包容副院长. 她的研究重点是美国黑人的风险和适应能力以及多元文化能力.

Tamara L. Falicov, Ph.D.他将成为新成立的UMKC人文与社会科学学院的首任院长. 她为这份工作带来了跨学科奖学金的历史,以及对学生成功和多样性的强烈承诺, equity and inclusion.

The new dean of the UMKC Conservatory, Courtney Crappell, DMA, comes from an arts leadership position at an urban-serving university, 他在哪里与当地社区深入接触,并有跨学科合作的经验.

UMKC Hosts Area Employers for Talent Summit

与这一代学生和年轻专业人士建立联系可能需要跳出思维定势. KC早期人才峰会邀请了来自90多家本地公司和组织的招聘专业人士,讨论招聘和与年轻专业人士合作时的机会和不断变化的环境.

Topics included diversity, equity and inclusion; recruitment and retention, building a recognizable brand on campus and alternatives to traditional internships.

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