牙科学生荣获雷明顿R. Williams Award

Remington R. Williams Award, 为纪念已故学生领袖和UMKC校友而命名, 认可优秀的性格和协作精神

Shonte Reed, UMKC牙科学院即将升入DDS四年级的学生, 被选为UMKC雷明顿R. Williams Award.


UMKC alumnus Remington Williams (J.D. ’22), 密苏里大学策展委员会的学生代表, died in a car accident last year. He was 被尊为天生的领袖和有爱心的人 谁在帮助他人的热情驱使下取得了很大的成就.

“肖特·里德表现出了卓越的领导能力和对同学的承诺, and to her community,” said UMKC Chancellor Mauli Agrawal. “她孜孜不倦地鼓励更多有色人种的年轻人从事牙科和其他健康行业,这是对她性格的证明, 展现人头马威廉姆斯的精神.”

During her time at UMKC, Reed has served as Student Council vice president of the class of 2024; president of the UMKC Student National Dental Association/Hispanic Student Dental Association; national vice president of the Student National Dental Association; treasurer for the UMKC Dental Anesthesiology Club; and a representative on the School of Dentistry Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council. 她通过自己的社交媒体平台和业务,建立了一个面向未来和现在的少数族裔牙科学生的全国性网络, Black Dental Students & Pre-Dents, LLC. 教职员工经常向她求助,作为UMKC牙科学院的大使,为来自代表性不足背景的潜在学生提供咨询.

She mobilized the organizations she led to participate in recruitment efforts at historically Black colleges and universities; led efforts by the organization to support Black-owned businesses in Kansas City; and organized holiday toy drives for Children’s Mercy Hospital in 2021 and 2022.

Reed还曾担任学术学生培训的导师, Health, and Research (STAHR) Partnership, 这是密苏里大学堪萨斯分校医学院的合作项目, dentistry and pharmacy. 该计划旨在增加来自弱势背景的学生进入医疗保健计划的人数,并为他们在学术和专业上的成功做好更好的准备.

在给奖学金委员会的推荐信中,Richard H. Bigham, assistant dean for student programs, 他写道:“在我从事高等教育二十多年的工作中, 她是我所支持过的最杰出的学生,并已成为我们社区变革的领导者.”

除了牙科学院教职员工的多项推荐外, 她的提名也得到了莱拉·希肖的支持, DDS, 他是堪萨斯大学堪萨斯分校的校友和董事会主席, 多元化牙科指导公司.; and Melissa Robinson, president of the Black Health Care Coalition in Kansas City.

The Remington R. 威廉姆斯奖是策展人委员会授予学生的最高非学术性奖项,是为了纪念他作为董事会学生代表(2020-2022)的杰出服务。. 获奖者将每年从澳大系统的四所大学中选出,并将获得领导奖章,在毕业时佩戴, a $1,并获邀在策展委员会会议上接受表彰.

该奖项旨在表彰对各自机构产生影响的杰出学生领袖, 在学术和课外活动中激发同学的成长和发展, 在任何时候都表现出杰出的品格和协作精神.

Learn more about School of Dentistry

Published: Jun 28, 2023

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